Something’s Gotta Change!

It’s unanimous. As I’ve visited the businesses up and down Rt 7 in our district from Ferrisburgh to New Haven, the story I hear every time is: “Something’s gotta change. We can’t survive in this environment. Taxes keep going up. Bureaucracy and red tape keeps getting worse. Where are all our tax dollars going? The schools are failing my kids.” That’s what I’m hearing everywhere.

If we want to be able to get our cars and trucks fixed, or our houses worked on, or our yards landscaped, or shop a local retail store, or enjoy a local restaurant, and have workers to do these things, we need to make Vermont more affordable and more business-friendly.

If we keep electing the same people, we’ll keep getting these same bad results. To make a change in our state we need to elect different people. Vote for ROB NORTH for STATE REPRESENTATIVE.


Come Meet Gov. Scott


It’s Official !