Rob North

Platform of

I care about Vermonters. Thus I care about what you care about. I care about affordability, lower taxes, less government bureaucracy, improved safety, wise stewardship of our fiscal and natural resources, and preserving our Vermont way of life.

My platform is based on common sense fiscal responsibility. We need to elect more Republicans to break the grip of the veto-proof super-majority that ignores Gov. Scott’s wise inputs and decisions. We need to make Vermont affordable again.

Had Enough?

Democrats’ 2024 votes

10%-15% Increase property taxes

20% Increase DMV fees

190% Increase second home transfer fees

33% Increase short-term rental taxes

100% Increase in their own salaries!

Law allowing anyone to sue the state if we don’t meet the impossible requirements of the Global Warming Solutions Act, and YOU pay for the lawsuit! It’s already happening.

Click here: You (Vermonters) are being sued!

Rob’s 2025 priorities

Fix broken education funding system including the increased centralized property taxes that Gov. Scott vetoed in 2024.

NO carbon tax Democrats will impose up to $3/gallon more on home heating fuel to fund their $10B+ Global Warming Solutions Act that Gov. Scott vetoed in 2023. We need to change Act 18. Making fuel unaffordable to achieve impossible carbon reduction goals is not safe nor environmentally responsible.

Reduce and Reprioritize the planned $10B spending of Vermonter’s money to solve global warming, instead toward improving extreme weather infrastructure and clean water. Driving electric cars and electrifying Vermont will not stop flooding, freezing, or algae blooms. It will only make it more expensive to live here!

Voting for Democrats last time cost us all the increases listed above.

If re-elected, incumbent democrats will continue to increase your taxes and impose costly programs.


to break the grip of the veto-proof, Progressive Democrat, super-majority


For a Change