Vermonters should be OUTRAGED!

According to Wikipedia, Vermont has the lowest carbon dioxide emissions in the country at only 0.01% of the total U.S. emissions (1).  Yet, Montpelier legislators are pushing to spend an outrageous $10 BILLION to cut VT emissions by another 40% down to 0.006% of the US emissions, all while our State is facing so many more urgent problems.  $10B is more than our entire VT State budget!

According to the US Energy Information Administration, “In 2021, Vermont’s total energy consumption was less than in any other state, which contributed to Vermont having the lowest energy-related carbon dioxide emissions among the states.” And data from Vermont’s fuel dealers shows that the average home heating fuel usage has dropped by 56% over the past 20yrs.  

In other words, we have ALREADY achieved, and will continue to achieve, this best-in-class performance all on our own, BEFORE our legislature imposed the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA). So, why on earth did legislatures think they needed to pass the GWSA, which has paved the way for the “Clean Heat Standard” (CHS) at a cost of an estimated $10B?  This draconian, Big Brother initiative mandates that we must meet some VERY steep goals in a VERY short time, which is likely not even possible. It also legislates that anyone can sue the state of Vermont (that’s all of us) if we don’t meet those mandated goals. 

Every one of us should be highly offended that the Progressive Democrats audaciously think they know better and ignore all the great work we are doing by living clean and being good, caring citizens. 

Let’s support our beloved Gov. Phil Scott. Let’s continue to do what we do best. It’s time for a change in the legislature in Montpelier. It’s time for a change in thinking, a change in listening, and a change in voting. It’s time to vote REPUBLICAN for STATE REPRESENTATIVE and STATE SENATOR.



Come Meet Gov. Scott